..::LIFE is Drama::..

and you are the lead actor


Published by sham under on Friday, April 03, 2009

Tag from Kak Ila

-GO to your photos folder in your computer
-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
-GO to the 6th photos in that folder
-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.
-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
-Link them in your blog & let they know they have been challenged

Oh, this picture was taken on the 3rd day of 2005 as per date stamped on it. Fir, Shuk, me & Amir and a whole bunch of panjat gunung buddies were on our way out to Cameron Highlands after three days of wolfing down Orang Asli very delicious durians, crossing rivers after rivers, never ending ups and downs and ups and downs multiple hills, battling leeches, cramped legs, bathing in freezing rivers, so on and so forth. In this picture, we were resting for a while or we would term it as 'take five' and from where we were standing we can see Orang Asli settlement sprawling downhills creating a very majestic and peaceful vista. This trip happened to be a Trans Gopeng - Cameron which started from Sg Itik, Gopeng and ended at an Orang Asli settlement which I forgot the name, somewhere near Brinchang. We spent that night at Tanah Rata fooling around, resting and lepaking at mamak restaurant with Kak Mas, Shuk, Fir and Amir till 4 in the morning, struggling not to fall asleep on the table. Ngee~ And o yeah, this was my first encounter with one of a kind leech which Shuk named it as 'Pacat Askar', thanx to stripes present on it's body and you can really feel it when it starts to dig into your skin because according to Shuk, it has gigi tumpul. Hehe. It's not lintah, but it's pacat and it's humongous I tell you.

Credit to Kak Mas for this picture. :D~

I'm tagging six of you :

Kak Nadeema
Kak Yuhani

(assabiyah :D)

p/s : Kak Kui, fall in love all over again tak dengan jejaka bert-shirt maroon itu? ;;)

10 critics:

kuizikel said... @ April 3, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Ya rabbi, kacaknye la laki berthirt maroon tu.. sekarang lagi kacak sebab dah botak... ha! ha ! ha!

Syera said... @ April 3, 2009 at 12:40 PM

I'm tagged! sy bdoa supaya gamba dlm folder sy itu adalah gamba senonoh!

WanYgBest said... @ April 3, 2009 at 1:03 PM

tag aku yer?? nnti aku wat **sambil memilih2 gmba yg sesowai utk tatapan umum, yg cun, yg bleh cite byk**

kuizikel said... @ April 3, 2009 at 1:39 PM

syera , klu tak senonoh, sila pergi ke gambar seterusnya (tapi jgn bgtau org len :D)

wan.. yeah ko bijak..

eh ni blog sape ni..tlebey sudah

Syera said... @ April 3, 2009 at 11:11 PM

buat blog ni mcm rumah sndri plak..

sham said... @ April 4, 2009 at 3:45 AM

kuizikel : skrg lagi kachak yer? bagus2, pilihan yang bijak :D

Syera : saye yakin boley gambar itu adelah senonoh hehe

WanYgBoleyTahanBest: wes, mane aci men pilih2 gmbr, baek buat entry bergambar je camtu haha

sile sile buat cam rumah snirik :D

amoi said... @ April 9, 2009 at 1:55 PM


manyak kurus la amer dalam ini gambar...begitu juga slyde...thehehe...

sham said... @ April 9, 2009 at 3:46 PM
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sham said... @ April 9, 2009 at 3:58 PM

amoi : sape yg mude? si t-shirt merah berstokin kunen itu? hehe haruslah, baru beberapa hari masuk umur 28 mase tu kan? kan? :D

amer kurus? suda 'sehat'kah die skrg? saye? haruslah! bile la mau kurus begitu semula haih :P

amoi said... @ April 9, 2009 at 4:26 PM

haha...slyde ar muda...

baru teringat ni lepas 'tsunami' ni..ehehehe...

amer rasanya last tgk cam berisi sket...kan pojan kan?:D

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