Published by sham under posts on Saturday, April 25, 2009Being a fan of Ujang's work since I first read Gila-Gila and a sudden die-hard fan of late and also the fact I have Minang blood in my veins, I can't restrain myself from buying his work of the infamous Aku Budak Minang yesterday at KLIBF. It's a compilation of new generation cartoons brought by Ujang in the early 80's but it is more than just simple cartoons. It is entertaining, educational and the best part, it tells a story of everyday life that occurs in our society. I had mixed feelings last night while reading it from cover to cover. Good read ;)
Oh, that's not the point of this entry. Little that I know, in the plastic bag that they put in the Aku Budak Minang compilation was a writing pad and a postcard. I suppose it is already pre-packed in the plastic bag because I didn't see the cashier putting those stuffs in. I beamed with delight when I saw those two things even though I might end up doing nothing with the writing pad and leave it to collect dust.
But I suppose the postcard, I can make good use of it. I'm gonna write a note on it, put a stamp and drop it into a letterbox that I hope I will see one while I'm driving. Too lazy to go to post office. Or maybe I can drop it at the nearby Tesco. I think they got a letterbox of some sort.
Who am I going to send it to? Oh, that person professes love for postcards like no one I ever know. ;)
4 critics:
wahhh...sudah bertambah fanatik sama ujang ye! nak beli la buku aca & atuk tu...hoho...
ingatkan nak cite psl tucen...hehehee
sila poskan poskad pada aku di 47 kg seberang, 06000 Jitra, Kedah.. jasa baik anda amat dihargai... hahaha (aku tunggu!!!)
amoi : tu lah, fanatik smpi ada komplot ripit menjejak ujang heheh sorilah menjebakkan akak :D
WanYgBest : hehe dlm poskad tu ada sepupu kucen buat bunyik meaawwww :D
kuizikel : aiseh, sori lah kak kui, poskad tu dh berangkat terbang ke awan biru kot hehe
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