..::LIFE is Drama::..

and you are the lead actor

It hurts

Published by sham under , on Monday, April 06, 2009

It has been quite some time since I last suffered from tonsilitis. It sure felt like it is getting worse everytime but I am very sure it isn't, it's all in my mind. I have been coughing since last night and when I woke up this morning it starts to itch and bit by bit it starts to hurt. To make matters worse, I had mihun tomyam for dinner. Smart me eh? Maybe I should stop being a chicken and take a spoonful of madu liar+halia+bunga cengkih+kulit kayu manis concoction that Syera offered. I'm ok with pills but I'm a sucker for syrup-based medicines. Hope bacteria, virus of whatever that is attacking my tonsil would go away. Pergi. Pergi.

I don't want to see a doctor because it would end in a babbling session by the doctor because of me not wanting to remove my tonsil. No, I would not go under the knife and I thank my parents for their determination in keeping my body parts (read : tonsil) intact and not letting anybody influenced them in their decision making when I was still in diapers. :D


9 critics:

WanYgBest said... @ April 7, 2009 at 3:41 PM

come and see me la then...hehehe...i can help you remove any part of your body...wakakakaka...

take care dear...

sham said... @ April 8, 2009 at 10:41 AM

errr remove lemak bley? :D

Syera said... @ April 8, 2009 at 12:03 PM

cepat2 sembuh.. bole kite gi makan2...;-)

kuizikel said... @ April 9, 2009 at 3:41 AM

ubat sirap based tak minat? air sirap atau sirap limau ok? :D

terbalik ngan aku, aku pil tak reti telan.. sumer aku jadikan sirap...hehe

amoi said... @ April 9, 2009 at 1:50 PM

yup...kalo sirap2 ni kureng sket...

haha kui mkn ngan pisang pon tak lepas...pisang abis ubat tak telan2 jugak..wakakakka...lariiiiiiiii

sham said... @ April 9, 2009 at 3:49 PM

Syera : err, rasenye saket pun saye berselera je mkn hehe nnt pas awk xm n travel kite g mkn bes2 :D

kuizikel : air sirap dan sirap limau haruslah suke! kemarin siap bantai minum wpun dok saket2 tekak n demam kuikui

amoi : kak kui sumbat pil dalam pisang? agagaga itu maso belum dajah satu ade la buat agagaga

As said... @ April 14, 2009 at 2:00 PM

kalau kena lg tonsilitis

take ubat nama zythromax, fast relief even dengan sebijik dua inshaAllah. Hilang bengkak dan sakit cepat.

Makan eskrem vanila ke coklat ke sebelum makan berat, untuk smoothkan tekak dulu. Yang eskrem cup tu lah.

kalau kena lg lah, but didoakan sehat sejahtera.

As said... @ April 14, 2009 at 2:02 PM

btw kalau remove pun the tonsil, it wont affect you.

it wud be much better coz the infection wont come again.

after surgery memang seksa, but benefits against the risks.

anyhow, u know urself better ;)

sham said... @ April 15, 2009 at 1:32 AM

As : selalunya klu kene tonsil, akan blk Klang jumpe family/feveret doctor, sbb dh byk kali g clinic area KL docs akan bg ubat batuk instead of ubat-ubat yg sepatotnya. rase cam nk cakap je kat docs2 itu "ngapekah bg sy ubat batuk? sy kene tonsil, bkn batuk". tp malas nk layankan, amek je la :P n bout surgery tuh, x pe lah, i still want it to be where it is rite now wpun benefits outweigh risks hehe masa dpn, wallahua'lam :D tq for dropping by ;)

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