..::LIFE is Drama::..

and you are the lead actor

Rain in November

Published by sham under on Sunday, April 19, 2009

I have never been so emotional about a visually impaired person like what I experienced last night. There were a few walking around, aided, selling packet tissues which is a normal sight especially around food courts. I just sat there, not responding or doing anything when they came by, hoping and praying one of my friends would react to them. But suddenly, one guy came, walking unaided, bumping into chairs, tables and people even. He bumped into me and standing behind me, he was calling out "Dik, Dik", and I was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do, hoping and praying that he would walk away, and then Zahile said, "Takpe bang" and he moved on, bumping into others, chairs and tables. It was unbearable to see.

I watched him till he was gone out of sight and inside, it felt like rain in November. It was heart wrenching. It hurts like I have never felt before. It felt like I was so very mean for not reacting or do something and let him stand behind me and keep calling out repetitively. My mind was searching for something, something that I can't explain and verbalize.

And I was thinking, isn't there something that I can do for him? and others who has the same fate? Why are these visually impaired people are still roaming food courts, stopping from one table to another, trying to sell tissue and asking for donation at the same time. Why? And I don't have the answers.

I have to admit, I have never paid much attention to them before, but last night, it was something else. How on earth is he going to survive in this time of recession just by selling tissue?

Rain in my heart almost came out from my eyes for being so helpless.

6 critics:

kuizikel said... @ April 19, 2009 at 8:38 AM

blum november tapi dah rain.. btw aku suka lagu november rain :)

aku pon slalu ignore jek, bukan apa, tengok sihat walafiat, tapi leh camtu.. bila kita kesian kat dia, dia lagi jadi manja dan tak kesian kat diri sndiri... kdg2 aku selalu meragui yang buta tu...huhu

Syera said... @ April 19, 2009 at 3:45 PM

Me.. being ignorant too.. Seriously, i never think much on how to help them..except (sometimes) donating tiny amount from my wallet

sham said... @ April 19, 2009 at 5:54 PM

kuizikel : slalunya sy pun ignore je, tp, mlm td hati sgt tersentuh, agaknya sbb dia jalan sorg, without ade orang yg bantu dia, so, sgt sadis die dok langgar sana sini.

Syera : tu lah, kadang2 donate sket, kadang2 buat tatau. tp smlm I was touched and disturbed, how can rm1 from a table will help them in long term? klu time dia demam seminggu, haruslah seminggu tu x dpt nk g jual tissue.. sigh

amoi said... @ April 19, 2009 at 11:14 PM

tgk keadaan...rasa cam nak bagi akak akan bagi...kalo tak...tade rezeki diaorg la..

but ada kawan akak slalu bagi...dia cakap biar la orang tu tipu ke apa...itu urusan dia dengan Allah...

azileendasaleh said... @ April 22, 2009 at 5:23 PM

no big deal....br baca kisah mcm ni kat www.hantujeraul.blogspot.com ...maube can cheer you up??

sham said... @ April 23, 2009 at 11:49 PM

amoi : konsep yg bagus :)

kak zizi : tq :)

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