..::LIFE is Drama::..

and you are the lead actor

How well do I know Syera

Published by sham under on Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1.Where did you and I meet?
Di sebuah sekolah di Labu ;)

2.How long have you known me?
14 years & 4 months :D

3.The last time we saw each other?
Hmm.. 15 minutes ago

4.Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
Sorry, memang tak ingat..

5.What’s my personality like?
Organised, thoughtful, analytical, caring

6.What’s my favorite food?
Nasi ayam @ Nasi Meletop Sup Melekat ;;)

7.Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what)?
Sporty, glam & shopaholic hehe

8.Have you ever hugged me?
Yeap! The one I remember most was in the dewan makan time recess masa F3, I was crying for no apparent reason thehehe

9.If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
Syera suits perfectly, but I like Kak Yong as well - not that I am allowed to call you that hehe

10.If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
Your laptop - bley main game and the Omnia of course :D

11.What do you think I will be in 10 years?
Assoc Prof, wife, mummy

12.Will you re-post this so I can fill this out for you?

Syera dear, sorry it took me too long to post this. So, did I pass? ;)


Published by sham under on Monday, April 27, 2009

...these pictures do the talking

Eih? Whose hands?

Hmm.. seems familiar


Please forgive me for my jakunness and excitedness thehehee :D


Published by sham under on Saturday, April 25, 2009

Being a fan of Ujang's work since I first read Gila-Gila and a sudden die-hard fan of late and also the fact I have Minang blood in my veins, I can't restrain myself from buying his work of the infamous Aku Budak Minang yesterday at KLIBF. It's a compilation of new generation cartoons brought by Ujang in the early 80's but it is more than just simple cartoons. It is entertaining, educational and the best part, it tells a story of everyday life that occurs in our society. I had mixed feelings last night while reading it from cover to cover. Good read ;)

Oh, that's not the point of this entry. Little that I know, in the plastic bag that they put in the Aku Budak Minang compilation was a writing pad and a postcard. I suppose it is already pre-packed in the plastic bag because I didn't see the cashier putting those stuffs in. I beamed with delight when I saw those two things even though I might end up doing nothing with the writing pad and leave it to collect dust.

But I suppose the postcard, I can make good use of it. I'm gonna write a note on it, put a stamp and drop it into a letterbox that I hope I will see one while I'm driving. Too lazy to go to post office. Or maybe I can drop it at the nearby Tesco. I think they got a letterbox of some sort.

Who am I going to send it to? Oh, that person professes love for postcards like no one I ever know. ;)


Published by sham under on Friday, April 24, 2009

Petang tadi saya ke KLIBF 09 di PWTC bersama Fiza. Hampir 2 jam meronda ruang pameran mencari membelek buku-buku yang berkenaan, Fiza gerak untuk menjemput Lokman di Pudu sebelum terus pulang ke rumah. Saya terus di PWTC mencuci-cuci mata sementara tunggu waktu Maghrib.

15 minit sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib saya sudah melangkah ke surau, sejuk rasa hati sangat ramai umat di surau, hampir penuh kedua-dua saf di bahagian wanita. Saya terus saja beratur untuk berwudhu' dan setelah sempurna wudhu' terus melangkah masuk ke ruang solat. Elok saja baru memakai telekung, Imam sudah mengangkat takbir.

Niat di hati mahu solat sendiri di saf kedua, tetapi dek kerana tiada ruang, saya terus ke saf depan, kiri sekali dan langsung terus berjemaah. Terasa mahu menitik air mata bila saya tersedar sudah terlalu lama saya tidak solat berjemaah, terlalu lama sampaikan tidak ingat bila kali terakhir. Alhamdulillah Allah masih berikan waktu, buka ruang dan kesempatan untuk saya. Alhamdulillah.

Manisnya. Subhanallah.

Rain in November

Published by sham under on Sunday, April 19, 2009

I have never been so emotional about a visually impaired person like what I experienced last night. There were a few walking around, aided, selling packet tissues which is a normal sight especially around food courts. I just sat there, not responding or doing anything when they came by, hoping and praying one of my friends would react to them. But suddenly, one guy came, walking unaided, bumping into chairs, tables and people even. He bumped into me and standing behind me, he was calling out "Dik, Dik", and I was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do, hoping and praying that he would walk away, and then Zahile said, "Takpe bang" and he moved on, bumping into others, chairs and tables. It was unbearable to see.

I watched him till he was gone out of sight and inside, it felt like rain in November. It was heart wrenching. It hurts like I have never felt before. It felt like I was so very mean for not reacting or do something and let him stand behind me and keep calling out repetitively. My mind was searching for something, something that I can't explain and verbalize.

And I was thinking, isn't there something that I can do for him? and others who has the same fate? Why are these visually impaired people are still roaming food courts, stopping from one table to another, trying to sell tissue and asking for donation at the same time. Why? And I don't have the answers.

I have to admit, I have never paid much attention to them before, but last night, it was something else. How on earth is he going to survive in this time of recession just by selling tissue?

Rain in my heart almost came out from my eyes for being so helpless.

Bola Cat Scolobu

Published by sham under , on Monday, April 13, 2009

Khalil brief tentang pembahagian skuad dan tidak diendahkan

Setelah sekian lama menanti dan mengharap, akhirnya pagi semalam saya berjaya merasa bermain Bola Cat Paintball. Perasaannya? Marvellous! Gembira tak terkata kerana sudah terlalu lama teringin bermain walaupun after effect nya agak sakit dan memeritkan.

Briefing di dalam battle ground oleh marshall

Skuad Alpha : Ajai, Nua, Pae, Pijin, Zal dan saya.
Skuad Bravo : Aiman, Apit Pital, Khalil, Sadiq, Taariq dan Zaini.
Spectators : Faten, Ika, Sha dan Teena.

Barisan skuad yang bersifat ke'geng'an itu (hehe) ditentukan oleh Khalil selaku Sarjan Manager yang menguruskan kami pemain, dan hal-hal pemilihan tempat dan lain-lain diuruskan Pae.

Faten yang sentiasa camera ready

Kami bermain empat senario, saya tidak berapa ingat nama saintifiknya betulnya, tetapi lebih kurang beginilah. Satu, Kill them All di mana basically perlu menghapuskan semua barisan skuad di dalam kumpulan lawan. Kedua, Centre Flag to Base di mana perlu mendapatkan bendera yang dipacakkan di tengah dan dibawa pulang ke Base. Ketiga, Flag to Flag, perlu mendapatkan bendera pihak lawan dan dibawa pulang ke Base. Keempat, Medic, akan ada seorang Medic yang membawa backpack yang agak berat dan tidak akan terkeluar dari permainan melainkan terkena headshot dan dia boleh revive semula memana ahli skuad yang telah ditembak. Game Satu dan Empat dimenangi skuad Bravo dan Game Dua dan Tiga dimenangi skuad Alpha.

Take five selepas habis game sambil membincangkan kejadian-kejadian
spastik yang terjadi di dalam battle ground

Sangat fun walaupun sangat perit apabila terkena tembakan. Ya, saya tahu dan selalu mendengar akan sakit apabila terkena peluru cat itu, tetapi, sungguh, saya tidak sangka ia akan sting sebegitu. Terdiam saya sekejap semasa terkena tembakan pertama. :D Sehari dua ini terpaksalah berhati-hati supaya tidak melanggar atau terlanggar tempat-tempat yang sudah lebam dan kebiru-biruan.

Tidak banyak gambar yang dapat diambil semasa game berlangsung kerana keadaan tempat yg disempadani gaung tidak mengizinkan spectators untuk berdiri di luar safety net dan mengambil gambar kami barisan skuad sedang beraksi. Gambar kami yang lengkap beruniform bersama marker, mask dan vest juga tiada di dalam kamera saya kerasa saya terlalu jakun dan excited lalu terlupa untuk meminta spectators tolong ambilkan. Mungkin Apit ada banyak mengambil gambar kami lengkap beruniform, kenalah tunggu dia update blognya. Harap-harap tidaklah terlalu lama. Oh, ground kami bermain bukan di padang, tetapi di dalam kawasan hutan yang tidaklah berapa tebal dan dipenuhi pokok-pokok dan tunggul-tunggul kayu yang sangat merbahaya kalau tersadung ataupun tercucuk mana-mana bahagian badan. Pijin telah cedera dan mengalami kekoyakan seluar jeans sebelum permainan bermula lagipun akibat terlalu teruja untuk beraksi. Hehe.

Nasib baik akhir-akhir ini saya agak rajin swimming, kalau tidak, pasti teruk saya kepancitan. Itu pun sudah kepancitan juga ditambah pula dengan mask yang membuatkan muka rasa sangat berkuap.

Selepas berlumpur, bermandi peluh dan berpenat-penatan, kami ke sungai yang tidak berapa jauh dari tempat itu untuk cuci-cuci lumpur yang melekat dan berendam sekejap untuk hilangkan kepanasan dan lekit peluh. Sekejap sahaja, betul-betul sekadar mencuci-cuci. Selepas makan tengahari di Taman Nanding yang dibelanja Ajai (Thanx Ajai!), kami pulang.

Bapak-bapak budak yang gembira jumpa air dan menjadi bujang sementara

Photo credits : Faten & Sha

What can I summarize? Fun! Fun packed! ;)

Kelapa muda Oh Kelapa muda

Published by sham under on Thursday, April 09, 2009

Saya mencari kelapa muda semalam, untuk dijadikan 'ubat' akibat daripada tonsilitis yang menjadi demam pada hari Selasa dan melarat ke selsema semalam. Selalunya kalau demam, selsema atau tonsilitis menjadi-jadi di Klang, Papa yang akan pergi belikan kelapa muda dan saya tidak perlu pening-pening fikir di mana mahu mencari. Tapi, memandangkan semalam saya di sini, di Cheras, Papa dan Mama di Batu Pahat, saya terpaksa mencari sendiri disebabkan saya (dan keluarga) lebih suka ubat cara holistik atau tradisional berbanding dengan ubat-ubatan moden. :D

Pencarian saya berakhir di belakang rumah Taman Midah sendiri. Saya membeli 2 biji, RM2.50 sebiji. Wah, agak terkejut. Sampai saja di rumah, saya telefon Papa dan bertanyakan harga kelapa muda di Klang. Kata Papa, RM1.50 sebiji kalau belum dikupas dan RM2.00 sebiji kalau penjual kupaskan dan masukkan ke dalam plastik.

Saya tertanya, sejak bila kelapa muda menjadi luxury? Mungkin sudah lama, cuma saya tidak perasan. Kenapa saya katakan kelapa muda satu kemewahan? Kerana, susahnya saya nak mencari mereka semalam dan mahalnya harga sebiji kelapa muda di tengah kotaraya ini.

It hurts

Published by sham under , on Monday, April 06, 2009

It has been quite some time since I last suffered from tonsilitis. It sure felt like it is getting worse everytime but I am very sure it isn't, it's all in my mind. I have been coughing since last night and when I woke up this morning it starts to itch and bit by bit it starts to hurt. To make matters worse, I had mihun tomyam for dinner. Smart me eh? Maybe I should stop being a chicken and take a spoonful of madu liar+halia+bunga cengkih+kulit kayu manis concoction that Syera offered. I'm ok with pills but I'm a sucker for syrup-based medicines. Hope bacteria, virus of whatever that is attacking my tonsil would go away. Pergi. Pergi.

I don't want to see a doctor because it would end in a babbling session by the doctor because of me not wanting to remove my tonsil. No, I would not go under the knife and I thank my parents for their determination in keeping my body parts (read : tonsil) intact and not letting anybody influenced them in their decision making when I was still in diapers. :D



Published by sham under on Friday, April 03, 2009

Tag from Kak Ila

-GO to your photos folder in your computer
-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
-GO to the 6th photos in that folder
-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.
-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
-Link them in your blog & let they know they have been challenged

Oh, this picture was taken on the 3rd day of 2005 as per date stamped on it. Fir, Shuk, me & Amir and a whole bunch of panjat gunung buddies were on our way out to Cameron Highlands after three days of wolfing down Orang Asli very delicious durians, crossing rivers after rivers, never ending ups and downs and ups and downs multiple hills, battling leeches, cramped legs, bathing in freezing rivers, so on and so forth. In this picture, we were resting for a while or we would term it as 'take five' and from where we were standing we can see Orang Asli settlement sprawling downhills creating a very majestic and peaceful vista. This trip happened to be a Trans Gopeng - Cameron which started from Sg Itik, Gopeng and ended at an Orang Asli settlement which I forgot the name, somewhere near Brinchang. We spent that night at Tanah Rata fooling around, resting and lepaking at mamak restaurant with Kak Mas, Shuk, Fir and Amir till 4 in the morning, struggling not to fall asleep on the table. Ngee~ And o yeah, this was my first encounter with one of a kind leech which Shuk named it as 'Pacat Askar', thanx to stripes present on it's body and you can really feel it when it starts to dig into your skin because according to Shuk, it has gigi tumpul. Hehe. It's not lintah, but it's pacat and it's humongous I tell you.

Credit to Kak Mas for this picture. :D~

I'm tagging six of you :

Kak Nadeema
Kak Yuhani

(assabiyah :D)

p/s : Kak Kui, fall in love all over again tak dengan jejaka bert-shirt maroon itu? ;;)

..:: Life is DRAMA ::..

Published by sham under on Wednesday, April 01, 2009

After dozens and dozens of complaints especially from Kak Kui and Cik Fira, I finally decided to move back to my old place, here at blogspot. And so here I am, in a new 'house' which has been designed by Kak Kui of kuizikel.com, where customers satisfaction is guaranteed and utmost important to her. I had a very hard time verbalizing what I wanted as my blog's theme but hey, guess what, she did it, she conceptualized it into something great. I fell in love the instant I laid eyes on her design. Eventhough she cracked head thinking and pondering as to what design would capture me, in the end, it fell through and definitely paid off.

And oh, she scolded me for crediting her because according to her, if somebody praises your house to be beautiful, you wouldn't credit the contractor, but you yourself deserve the credit. But you know what, I want to share the praises and satisfaction with her. Hope you guys enjoy your 'stay' here and love this new design and template as much as I do.

Cheerio! ;)


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